How can Law firms pivot next year


How Can Law Firms Pivot

When Covid-19 first hit the UK, suddenly everyone went into survival mode. Life as we know it changed and everything ground to a halt. A lot of people became concerned that things that were so relevant just one week before, were no longer relevant at all.

If you want to make sure that your law firm is going to come out of the other side or if you want to pivot your firm so that you can better take advantage of what lies ahead then this is certainly the guide for you.


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Now is the Time to Work on your Company

A lot of law firms are yet to return to their brick-and-mortar residence. Fewer clients may well be calling, and this can hit your business more than you realize. Now would be a great time for you to spend a little effort on your business. Spend an hour a day on your strategies so you can gain clarity and also get a fresh vision of what lies ahead.

Watch some webinars, read some books, or even market to new clients. This will help you to prepare for the next year and it will also help you to really take things to that next level.


Up your Social Media

People are now spending more time on social media than ever. If you want to take advantage of the environment for next year, then you have to make sure that your firm has a presence on just about any platform that your potential clients may use.

This happens to include Facebook, but it should also include Instagram, YouTube, and even Twitter. Post encouraging messages and then repurpose them. If you do this, then you will soon be able to attract new clients that really go on to spread your overall message much more efficiently.


Take the Vulnerable Step

Sure, times might seem scary right now but the more you take risks, the easier it becomes. You have to make sure that you are taking that vulnerable step and you also need to make sure that you are safeguarding your company for the future. People hire lawyers who they actually know and trust, so the more you can get yourself out there, the better you can do for the future.


Face Time and Zoom Marketing

If you haven’t done so already then now is the time for you to start communicating with your clients through Zoom or even Facetime. This is a fantastic way for you to work and the more your clients feel as though you are there for them, the more likely they will be to refer you.

The more clients you can connect with on a personal level, the more likely they will be to take that next step and ultimately hire you. If you want to really benefit your law firm here, then you can also record the conversations so that you can push your company by showing how satisfied your clients are.


Work on your Content

Now is the time for you to write a few reports. If you do this, then you will be able to use them as lead magnets for your firm. You can also help to turn them into a white paper, or you can even boost your site overall.

If you do this, then you will be able to boost your leads and nurture them through your own email campaign. Apps such as Mailchimp make nurturing your drip campaign much easier and it also makes it automatic as well.


Leverage Video

Statistics show time and time again that video is the future. The average user spends over 88% more time on a website if the site in question has a video. YouTube is now the second biggest search engine out there, so make sure that you take your time and transfer any videos that you might have so that you can categorize them.

Create a very simple backdrop and also start recording some short and informative videos. This can include what you should do after an accident, what you should say to an adjuster, or even the steps that you need to take in order to file for a worker’s compensation claim.


Make your Site More Mobile Friendly

The problem in this day and age is that a lot of law firms do not have a website that can be optimized for a mobile phone. A lot of law firms have sites that have been created by a website designer who was using a laptop at the time. The end result? A website that is not suited to a mobile audience.

At the end of the day, it’s now more imperative than ever that you make your site mobile-friendly. If you can do this now, then you should be able to pivot without running into too many problems. You also have to make sure that you look at your own website on your mobile phone too. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can get it entirely optimized and this can really work in your favor. When you look at your site, make sure that the text is easy to read and also look through the testimonials as well. 

Most people will not stay on a website for more than a few seconds if it does not load up so take this into account when you explore the idea of upgrading your website.

So, little things like this can help you to come out on top when it comes to your law firm and if you follow this guide then there’s no reason why you can’t protect your company now while also making sure that you are taking positive steps for the future.

If you are having a hard time processing the changes that you need to make, then remember that so many people are in the same situation as you right now, and that everyone needs to adapt in order to tackle the state of the market that we are going to see in 2021.


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